Erasmus Mundus ICE PhD Scholarship in Interactive and Cognitive Environments, Europe

Erasmus Mundus ICE PhD Scholarship in Interactive and Cognitive Environments, Europe
OverviewThe Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Programme in Interactive and Cognitive Environments offers PhD candidates an education programme in the field of research related to computer science, electronic and telecommunication engineering and industrial design. Candidates must hold a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree or equivalent title and in-depth knowledge and understanding of the principles of ICT engineering. ICE aims at developing and enhancing master students` knowledge and skills in order to shape a new generation of professionals able to exploit (and further enhance) cutting-edge ICT technologies to design and implement - in multi-disciplinary work teams - innovative solutions in the ever more pervasive fields of application.
The programme has three major focuses, that will be iteratively pursued during the whole progress of the candidate`s track. The former concerns the acquisition and the formalization of knowledge in specific advanced domains, achieved through lectures and seminars. The second aims at keeping PhD students in strict touch with leading research groups that have proven experiences in research activities in basic disciplines necessary for the PhD course in the five partner universities.
The latter involves actual industry/academy joint research activities on projects in cooperation with leading ICT companies, typically under international institutional umbrellas, such as the European Research Frameworks.
- Università degli Studi di Genova – UNIGE
- Technische Universiteit Eindhoven – TU/e
- Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya – UPC
- Universitaet Klagenfurt – UNI-KLU
- Queen Mary, University of London – QMUL
A Doctoral Candidate Agreement (a model is available here) will be signed with Erasmus Mundus granted Students in which monthly payments are specified (12 installments of € 2.800 each as employment contract (gross salary) and of € 600 as fixed contribution for laboratory-based course) together with the lump sum (€ 7.500) for traveling expenses (only to Category A students).
The gross amount is not intended as an employee gross but as an employer gross. Therefore, each university, according to each national legislation, will deduct from the monthly amount both the employer`s taxes and the employee`s taxes. In average, an equivalent net salary will be guaranteed to all PhD candidates.
The expected average net salary will be around € 1.500 per month.
Each year a variable number of fellowships will be offered according to the grants provided by EACEA. Please quote scholarization as your reference when applying for this scholarship.
Admission Requirements
- Candidates who – within the relevant expiry date of this public notice – hold a 2nd Cycle academic degree (according to the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area (FQ-EHEA)), whose duration is at least 5 (five) years (e.g. 5-year Master of Science / Master of Engineering degree, or a 3+2-year Bachelor of Science + Master of Science / Bachelor of Engineering + Master of Engineering degree) and which has been conferred according to the rules and regulations in force in the applicant`s country or an equivalent foreign academic qualification, may apply for the selection procedure without age or citizenship limitations. Candidates who have completed a 1st Cycle academic degree and are going to complete the 2nd Cycle within the 31st July 2011 are eligible for the call. Candidates appearing in the main lists and not succeeding in the completion of a 2nd Cycle academic degree track within the aforementioned date will be automatically excluded.
- In the case of a degree obtained in a country other than ICE Consortium institutions` countries and judged suitable, should the qualifications not have been already deemed equivalent, the candidate shall require that this recognition be granted for the public selection purposes only. In such cases candidates shall also enclose the following documents:
- the academic qualifications translated in English, as ICE Joint/Double Doctorate Programme official language;
- all the documentation available concerning his career translated in English. Other documents (specified in the Doctoral Candidate Agreement which will be signed by the candidate and the Consortium) may be required according to each national regulations and shall be provided by the applicant within three months from the communication of the selected candidates list.
The Application Form has to be to filled in all sections.
Please write in indicated boxes and provide all the requested documents.
Application forms not properly filled or missing one or more file in attachment will not be considered for evaluation by ICE Consortium.
A 2nd Cycle academic degree, for an overall duration is of at least 5 years, must have been completed at the expiry time of this call for application.
Non-native English speaker candidates not entitled with a recognized international English test Certificate (e.g. ELTS min: 6.5; TOEFL min: 220 CBT, 550 PBT, 80 iBT; TOEIC min: 780) will be directly excluded.
All attached files must be either in pdf or jpeg format.
ICE Consortium rejects any responsibility in case of submission of applications attaching files with different formats.
Application deadline: 10 January 2011 at 12 AM CET for EACEA grants
Online application can be found at here
Contact detail
For further information on e.g. the programme, admission procedures and deadlines please contact us at
You are also welcome to write to:
ICE Erasmus Mundus coordinating team
c/o Dipartimento di Ingegneria Biofisica ed Elettronica
Via all`Opera Pia 11a
16145 – Genova