Doctoral Scholarships by AUN/SEED-Net, Singapore

Doctoral Scholarships by AUN/SEED-Net, Singapore
The AUN/SEED-Net Project with support from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and National University of Singapore/ Nanyang Technological University jointly provides scholarships for prospective applicants from AUN/SEED-Net Member Institutions to pursue direct doctoral degrees in engineering at National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU). The minimum requirement for admission is a bachelor’s degree with honours (at least 2nd Class Upper) or its equivalent. Bachelor-degree-holding applicants who fulfil the admission criteria will be considered for direct admission to the Ph.D. program. Departments and divisions supporting this program are as follows:National University of Singapore (NUS):
* Bioengineering
* Chemical & Bio molecular Engineering
* Civil Engineering
* Electrical & Computer Engineering
* Environmental Science & Engineering
* Industrial & Systems Engineering
* Materials Science & Engineering
* Mechanical Engineering
Nanyang Technological University (NTU):
* Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
* Civil and Environmental Engineering
* Computer Engineering
* Electrical and Electronic Engineering
* Materials Science and Engineering
* Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
In addition to the scholarship program, students under the Doctoral Degree Program in Singapore are encouraged to participate in other AUN/SEED-Net activities such as AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference so as to create, maintain, and strengthen the linkage with other students and academics at other Member Institutions.
2. Objectives
To increase the number of high quality doctoral degree holders in engineering at Member Institutions to contribute to a sustainable industrial development of ASEAN countries.
3. Qualifications
(1) Applicants must have at least a bachelor’s degree with honours (at least 2nd Class Upper) or its equivalent or master’s degree, and should be ranked within top 10% of the class for bachelor’s degree, in principle, (a certified document of class rank is required), or have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of more than 3 in the 4-scale grading system or more than 7.5 in the 10-scale grading system.
(2) Applicants are expected to submit their TOEFL and GRE scores in support of their applications. Average scores for NTU admission are TOEFL 600 (100 in internet-based/250 in computer-based test) or GRE 1,250 with 3.5 in writing or equivalent. Average scores for NUS admission are TOEFL 580-600 (85 in internet-based / 237-250 in computer-based test) ,or GRE minimum scores ranges from 1200 – 1400 for the verbal & quantitative sections and 3.5 – 4.0 for the analytical section. Applicants without English test score may be requested to sit for administered test or placement test. Exemption of English test score may be applied to applicants studying in or graduating from English-speaking environment.
(3) Applicants must be either young teaching staff or research staff of Member Institutions, or outstanding graduates of Member Institutions who are strongly motivated to have a professional career as teaching staff at Member Institutions.
(4) Applicants must be under the age of 35 at the time of enrolment and capable of carrying out independent research.
(5) Applicants who have already received another equivalent major award, scholarship or a salary to undertake a proposed course are not eligible for scholarships.
4. Commencement and Duration of Scholarships
The commencement of scholarship should be within the Japanese Fiscal Year 2011; that is, awarded students should commence their study within April 2011 – March 2012. The duration of the scholarship is strictly four (4) years, counting from the day of arrival at the Host Institution. Students who need more than four years to acquire a degree will be expected to self-finance during period of extension.
1) Downgrading of candidature can be considered case by case, subject to approval.
2) AUN/SEED-Net, in consultation with the Host Institution, may suspend or terminate the award of any student who fails to maintain satisfactory progress at the Host Institution.
3) Students who fail to obtain a PhD degree eventually may be liable to pay back the research fee and stipend subsidies received.
5. Target Number of Scholarships
Up to ten (10) scholarships at NUS and ten (10) scholarships at NTU for the Japanese fiscal year 2011.
6. Coverage of the Scholarships
Tuition fees, living expenses, health insurance, visa fee, and air travel expenses will be provided as per concerned Host Institution’s and AUN/SEED-Net regulations.
7. Application for Scholarships
It is advisable for applicants to study and follow the application procedure below.
(1) Applicants submit one set of AUN/SEED-Net’s Application Form (for scholarship) and two sets of Application Form (for university admission), along with two sets of required documents to the contact person at Member Institutions (as Sending Institutions) to which the applicants belong. The list of names of contact persons at Member Institutions (or Sending Institutions) is given in Attachment 3.
For NTU, the applicants must apply online at NTU’s website.
For NUS, the applications could be submitted by paper-based or web-based (online).
The application forms for each institution is available at:
AUN/SEED-Net’s Application Form
NTU Application Form
NUS Application Form
Note: The application fee at NTU and NUS is waived for AUN/SEED-Net applicants. In case of online application, candidates are advised to carefully follow the instructions given on the website. Improper on-line application can cause delay or/and failure in admission. Two copies of the online-submitted application forms must be printed out and submitted to AUN/SEED-Net as instructed above.
(2) The contact person of each Sending Institution sends a collection of Application Forms to AUN/SEED-Net, together with an endorsement letter from the Dean or designated person endorsing the applications. Please note that sending application directly to AUN/SEED-Net without the endorsement letter will not be accepted. (Sending Institutions may submit the collection of application forms more than once within the deadline.)
(3) AUN/SEED-Net forwards the collection of NUS Applications to the contact person for admission screening. For NTU, the applicant name list will be forwarded to the contact person for application checking and screening.
(4) NUS/NTU screens applicants for admission and identifies potential advisor(s), then informs the admission result to AUN/SEED-Net.
(5) AUN/SEED-Net informs the result to respective Sending Institutions.
(6) Sending Institutions inform their successful applicants to confirm their acceptance of scholarships via Reply Form and submit missing documents, if any, to AUN/SEED-Net. Admission procedures and contractual matters begin.
Note: At the time of admission and scholarship screening, NUS/NTU and AUN/SEED-Net may contact Sending Institutions and/or applicants for missing documents or further information. NUS/NTU will conduct an interview with short-listed candidates.
8. Submission Deadline of the Application Form
Applications for the Doctoral Degree Program in Singapore should be submitted to and received, in printed forms, at the AUN/SEED-Net Project by February 15, 2011.
9. Scholarship Allocation
The scholarships, in principle, should be distributed across fields and across Sending Institutions.
Please submit the application to:
AUN/SEED-Net Project
(Doctoral Degree Program in Singapore)
Faculty of Engineering, Bldg 2, Rm 109-110,
Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok 10330, THAILAND