University Masters Scholarship in Engineering Management

University Masters Scholarship in Engineering Management
One University Masters Scholarship is available for the taught MSc in Engineering Management programme beginning in October 2011.Eligibility:
Full-time candidates (UK, EU or overseas) for the MSc in Engineering Management programme beginning in October 2011. Only candidates who have or expect to receive a first or upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) ought to apply.
Value of studentship:
Tuition fee waiver at the home/EU rate. abroad candidates will be necessary to demonstrate, before the offer of an award is confirmed, that they’ve sufficient cash to cover the balance of the abroad tuition fee.
How to apply:
You must already hold a current offer for the MSc in Engineering Management programme from the University of York (either conditional or unconditional) before you can apply for this scholarship. Scholarship applications may be made either by post or online – further information on how to apply for a University Masters Scholarship can be found at here
Admissions Enquiries: Camilla Danese
Postgraduate Admissions Tutor: Dr. Steve Smith
Tel: (+44) 01904 433024 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (+44) 01904 433024 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Application Deadline : 30 April 2011
Web Link