The One-World-Scholarship Programme for Developing Countries, Austria

The One-World-Scholarship Programme for Developing Countries, Austria
One World-The Fellowship Programme is aimed at students from developing countries in Austrian universities and aims to contribute to the peaceful coexistence of people from different countries of origin through improving equal opportunities, intercultural dialogue, understanding and collaboration. It has been established within the Austrian Educational Cooperation, and together with the other programs which supports their concerns (the fight against poverty, conserve resources, peacekeeping, etc), the creation and expansion of qualified staff and Consequently, the advancement of education, and economic systems (capacity and institutional development), with lasting effects.It is complementary to other scholarship programmes and laid out globally, it enhances the ability for independent, creative, critical and self-determined thinking and acting and shall strengthen the competence for innovative problem solving strategies. The OWS contributes to the socially required production of knowledge and awareness, it promotes a global perspective and the creation of the globally educated citizen. It attaches a high significance to regional, international and trans-cultural networks. The programme is co-financed (government, church and private funds and own resources of the recipients of the benefits) and significantly contributes to the economic, social and cultural development of the southern countries.
The One-World-Scholarship-Programme is directed at students from Africa, Asia and Latin America who are interested in development policy and who have come to Austria on their own initiatives, in order to complete their education. With their decision for studying abroad, the students have demonstrated a high degree of assertiveness, creativity and mobility. The scholarship will contribute to following up on the right of education also for those critical and intellectual young people who will find poor conditions in their home countries. These aspects will apply still more strongly to women. So scholarships will offer a chance making up for the ethnic, religious, social and regional discrimination, and in individual cases, also for violations of human rights. The scholarships are divided into:
- Scholarships for the promotion of students doing bachelor degrees (application in Austria)
- Scholarships for the promotion of students doing doctoral degrees (application in Austria)
- Scholarships for the promotion of students doing masters degrees and training programmes (application in Austria or in the country of origin)
- most important scholarship within the AAI Graz
- coordinated by the One-World-Scholarship-Team of the contact committee for third world scholarships (study counsellors of the AAI, the LAI, the ÖAD, the ÖOG)
- co-financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation and the Catholic Womens Movement
- administrated by ADA (Austrian Development Agency)
The scholarship programme is co-financed with means from the Austrian Development Cooperation, the Catholic Womens Movement and private funds.
The monthly allowance amounts between 500 and 550 Euro. Students can apply for the scholarships by using the application form between the middle of March till the end of May each year.
Application form
You can download the application form for the One-World-Scholarship here.
Benefits of the scholarship
In addition to scholarships, the AAI also deliver wider benefits (eg, learning aids, the visa fee) and subsidies for the costs of college preparatory program for students in need of the South.
As the demand for financial support has been steadily growing and as more and have to resort to private funding, we would ask for a contribution to our benefit funds for students from foreign countries.
Our bank account: Bank und Sparkassen AG Steiermärkische, account number 20200104998, bank code 20815.