International Masters Scholarships in Economy, State & Society (IMESS) 2011

International Masters Scholarships in Economy, State & Society (IMESS) 2011
Study Subject: International Masters in Economy, State & SocietyEmployer: Erasmus Mundus
Level: Masters
The IMESS degree offers three distinct interdisciplinary study tracks, reflecting the unique multidisciplinary expertise of the IMESS partner institutions. Students enroll onto one of the study tracks and specialise, from beginner’s level, in one of the partner institution languages. Additionally, for non-native English speakers a nine-week course in ‘Academic writing in English’ is included in the first semester at UCL. Each IMESS track combines compulsory language training, research methodology, specialist electives and a research dissertation carried out from the end of the first year.
All applicants must complete the standard UCL graduate studies application form and include the additional required materials, paying particular attention to the guidelines below on how to complete the IMESS Supplementary Questionnaire. Failure to complete the IMESS Supplementary Questionniare will result in your application being discarded.
Students can either apply by downloading a hard copy of the application form, requesting a hard copy application pack to be sent off to a contact address or by applying online (for all these options please click the UCL graduate studies application form link below). If you apply online, please ensure that you properly upload your degree transcript, proof of citizenship, English language certificate and Erasmus Mundus scholarship application form (if appropriate). Incomplete applications remain frozen in the UCL Registry and this may affect your chances of scholarship nomination. If you have all of your application materials in paper form, including your references, an old-fashioned paper application can prove to be quite efficient.
The IMESS consortium
- University College London, UK
- Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
- Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
- Helsinki University, Finland
- University – Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
- Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
- University of Tartu, Estonia
Scholarship Application Deadline:
17 December 2010 for Category A applications and 29 April 2011 for Category B applications. The final closing date for self-funded student applications is 29 April 2011. Applicants in the final stages of their undergraduate degree may apply but they must be able to present their transcript of marks by no later than 31 August of the relevant year of entry.
Minimum Admission Requirements
All applicants should hold (or expect to obtain) an upper second class honours degree (or overseas equivalent) in a relevant subject area. Where the Bachelors degree is in an unrelated subject, candidates must demonstrate their interest in IMESS through the supplementary questionnaire.
All students whose first language is not English must be able to provide recent evidence that their spoken and written command of the English language is adequate for the programme. For IMESS admissions students must provide evidence of English proficiency – ‘good’ level in accordance with UCL English Language Policy.
All applicants must complete the standard UCL graduate studies application form and include the additional required materials, paying particular attention to the guidelines below on how to complete the IMESS Supplementary Questionnaire. Failure to complete the IMESS Supplementary Questionniare will result in your application being discarded.
Students can either apply by downloading a hard copy of the application form, requesting a hard copy application pack to be sent off to a contact address or by applying online (for all these options please click the UCL graduate studies application form link below). If you apply online, please ensure that you properly upload your degree transcript, proof of citizenship, English language certificate and Erasmus Mundus scholarship application form (if appropriate). Incomplete applications remain frozen in the UCL Registry and this may affect your chances of scholarship nomination. If you have all of your application materials in paper form, including your references, an old-fashioned paper application can prove to be quite efficient.
Please make sure that you have clearly listed and explained your choice of language and study track in the IMESS Supplementary Questionnaire and that you have understood the terms of any scholarship that you are applying for.
- UCL graduate studies application form
- Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Application Checklist and Form (Category A)
- Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Application Checklist and Form (Category B)
- Supplementary Personal Statement guidelines
- IMESS Supplementary Questionnaire
As UCL is the coordinating partner of the IMESS consortium, it is not necessary to apply to your preferred second year university as well. However, for your application to be considered, you must specify your study track and language/mobility preferences (ranking them 1-5).
It is often the case that students applying to the IMESS Programme will not graduate (or take their English language exam) until after the application deadlines in January and April. In this case, we ask students to provide their latest transcript and application materials. If their application is successful, students will be provided with an offer from UCL, conditional on graduating on time with the appropriate grade and language certificate.
After you have applied
When students apply to IMESS, the several hundred applications are initially received by the UCL Registry. Online applicants will receive an automated acknowledgement via e-mail, while paper copy applicants will receive a paper copy acknowledgement. After an initial vetting by the UCL Registry to establish that the minimum admissions requirements have been met, the applications are then passed to IMESS, where each applicant is individually assessed by the IMESS Admissions Committee, according to robust and stringent admissions criteria.
The criteria award points under the following headings with percentage weights in brackets: ‘academic merit’ (30%); ‘personal statement of motivation and research interests’ (30%); ‘references’ (10%); ‘English language’ (20%) and ‘other – relevant experience/interests’ (10%). High scoring candidates are put forward to be considered by the IMESS Programme Committee. Shortly after this, candidates will be informed as to whether they have been accepted onto the programme. Formal nominations will then be put forward to the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Agency (by 31 January) and successful candidates will be notified in April/May of the final scholarship decision.
Prior to starting year one in London, the IMESS consortium will provide support in obtaining a (Tier 4) visa to all Erasmus Mundus scholarship holders. In June successful applicants will receive an admissions package, incorporating a signed EU certificate, to provide as support documentation in local embassies/consulates. Where necessary the IMESS consortium will liaise with embassies and consulates. The European Executive Agency will support the process for Erasmus Mundus students by liaising with Foreign and Internal Affairs Ministries. During year one the application process for the year two visa will begin.
Enquiries to: Programme Admissions with subject line: ‘IMESS enquiry’
Useful information ‘Before you apply’.