JEMES: Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarships Programme in Environmental Studies

JEMES: Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarships Programme in Environmental Studies
A Programme of proven Excellence- A two-year fulltime (120 ECTS) European Master Programme for degree-holders in Environmental Studies and related areas.
- A Joint program of four top nocth European Universities: Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Universidade de Aveiro (UA), Aalborg Universitet (AAU).
- Different scientific orientations, with a strong intercultural component.
- ERASMUS MUNDUS scholarships from the European Union
- Well organised staff and student mobility.
- A unique social and learning experience with an inherent change of perspective that will give you the leading edge in the employment Market.
ERASMUS MUNDUS scholarships are available for applicants of exceptional merit from “third countries” and European Union. Following the values of the scholarships:
Cat A: total :48000 EUR
monthly instalments 24 x 1000 EUR
travel cost annual instalments 2 x 4000 EUR
participation fee 16000 EUR
Cat B: total 18000 EUR
monthly instalments 24 x 500 EUR
participation fee 6000 EUR
Erasmus Mundus Insurance Scheme 2
Erasmus Mundus Insurance Scheme 2 general conditions.
Scholar mobility
Scholarships for third-country scholars are calculated as follows: 2400 EUR for two weeks up to 14400 EUR for 3 (12 weeks) months.
JEMES Consortium Scholarships for European applicants
JEMES offers an own scholarship program for outstanding applicants. The scholarship has value of 10.000€ for two years (including 3000 euros/year as fee waiver and 2000 euros/years as mobility assistance). JEMES European Student Scholarship Regulations (course 2009-2010), pending to update for non-European students. Candidates must be hold a first degree in Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science or related areas and persons who hold a first degree.
ECIU Mobility grants
These grants for European students have been designed to facilitate mobility within the Master programme. They have a value of 1800 € in total p.p. and will be awarded for one semester (6 month 300 €), paid as one lump sum, normally prior to actual mobility. They can only be awarded to students who do not have an ERASMUS Mundus or a JEMES Consortium Scholarship.
Candidates have to be admitted to JEMES and, as a rule, have to be actively engaged in their first semester (or have it completed) with good results at the time of application. Grants will be awarded for one semester only.
Students may combine this grant with other partial / small grants (e.g. under the EU Socrates/Erasmus scheme), but holders of full scholarships from other institutions / donors are excluded.
How to apply?
Below these lines you will find a link to apply online. Before starting the process be sure to have all the following documents.
- application form (completed and signed).
- curriculum vitae / resume.
- statement of purpose (one to two pages), including your reasons for undertaking graduate work in the chosen field.
- officially authenticated copy of bachelor’s degree certificate or equivalent, including your aggregate mark or grade average and your overall rank in class, with explanation of grading system (maximum grade, minimum passing grade, etc.).
- officially authenticated copy of complete university transcript of records (semester mark sheets), listing your subjects and grades.
- if not native English speaker: valid IELTS (with a minimum score of 6.5) or TOEFL (minimum 550 paper based, 213 computer based, 79 web-based) score report or a Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English or Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English. Further information is available at and Native English speaker countries: United States, Australia, United Kingdom, New Zealand and Ireland, and check with the coordinators for Malaysia and African countries.
- two letters of recommendation must be submitted from faculty members acquainted with the applicant’s work in the major area of undergraduate study. If that work occurred some time ago, recommendations from those familiar with the applicant’s professional performance are acceptable as well.
Please print out and complete the application form (pdf) and send it with all necessary documents at:
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
International Academic Programs – JEMES
Schwarzenbergstr. 95
D-21073 Hamburg, Germany
How to pre-enrol for JEMES MasterInternational Academic Programs – JEMES
Schwarzenbergstr. 95
D-21073 Hamburg, Germany
- First you will have to register to get an “NIA” (Student Identification Number). To do so, click on this link and follow the instructions.
- Once you have your NIA, you can pre-enrol and attach the documentation yourself via Internet. Click on this link and follow the instructions.
If you do not yet have the degree because you are still completing the course, you must declare this in the “Situation of previous studies” section, indicating the number of credits passed and the total number of credits you still have to take to gain the qualification.
A paper-based form is necessary, and the students have to upload their documents themselves.
Special regulations
In addition to the general regulations stated above concerning admissions process and criteria, each of the partner universities may have special regulations for admissions and registration. You can find this information opening the following links:
- Aalborg Univesitet
- Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH)
- Universidade de Aveiro
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Application Deadlines
Applicants applying for ERASMUS Mundus grants:
- Category A from countries except the European Union, EEA/EFTA, accession states (candidates for EU membership). Deadline is 31st December 2010. Candidates have to submit a complete application up to this date. Otherwise they can not obtain the grant. Category A includes the Western Balkans and Turkey Window and covers: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.
- Category B students (EU). Check the new data.
Deadline for admission is 31st May.
Late applications will be considered if places are still available.
Please make sure to start necessary applications for visas, etc. in due time!
Exceptionally, if for some reason you are unable to pre-enrol online, you can also do so by completing the application form and sending it together with the required documentation (either on paper or digitalised) to the following address:
Applications for enrolment at Universidade de Aveiro should be submitted to the following address:
Servicos Académicos
Universidade de Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
P-3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Applications for enrolment at UAB should be submitted to the following address:Universidade de Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
P-3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambiental
Edfici Cn,
Campus UAB
E-08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
Applications for enrolment at AUA should be submitted to the following address:Edfici Cn,
Campus UAB
E-08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
Aalborg University
International Office
Frederik Bajersvej 5
DK-9220 Aalborg East, Denmark
Application Deadline : 31 December 2010International Office
Frederik Bajersvej 5
DK-9220 Aalborg East, Denmark