[Italy] Partial Scholarships at Instituto Superiore di Design

[Italy] Partial Scholarships at Instituto Superiore di Design
Partial Scholarships at Instituto Superiore di DesignOverview
The ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI DESIGN offers undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships of the value of 50% of tuition fees to outstanding students for the following programs starting on:
- 18th of November 2010
- 7th of January 2011
The scholarships cover half of the tuition fees, and are distributed as follows:
Scholarships of euro 4.000 each for 1-year Master program taught in Italian with simultaneous translation in English:
- n. 10 Fashion Design
- n. 10 Graphic Design
- n. 10 Interior Design
Scholarships of euro 3.500 each for 1-year Intensive Course program taught in Italian with simultaneous translation in English:
- n. 10 Fashion Design
- n. 10 Graphic Design
- n. 10 Interior Design
Applicants must be in possession of title permitting course admission, as follows:
- for Master Courses: University degree (or a declaration stating that the degree will be obtained before the beginning of the chosen Course), or at least two years` experience in a field related to the chosen course;
- for Intensive Courses: High-school diploma or equivalent title permitting admission to university.
Request of Scholarship
Applicants must send, within the 30th of September 2010 (for the November 2010 intake) and the 30th of November 2010 (for the January 2011 intake), only via email to interstudent@isdnapoli.it:
- filled-in application form
- curriculum vitae and of studies
- title permitting admission to the chosen course (see under "Requirements")
- portfolio containing a selection of student`s works
- letter of motivation
- copy of passport.
The Evaluation Committee will consider the following criteria in evaluating the applicants:
- study performance
- curriculum vitae attesting possible relevant experiences either in terms of education or working activities
- letter of motivation.
The outcome of the evaluation will be communicated within seven days after the received application, via e-mail only to the applicants who have been granted a scholarship. Within seven days from the communication applicants must confirm their acceptance and pay the Enrolment fee of 2.000 euro in order to reserve the place and get the enrolment certificate.
Processing Personal Data
Further to and in accordance with Law n. 196 of June 30th, 2003, the applicants` personal data are exclusively used for selection and enrolment purposes.