Scholarships for Foreign Graduate Students in Journalism, USA

Scholarships for Foreign Graduate Students in Journalism, USA
International scholarship in the field of Journalism by The Foreign Press Association
The Foreign Press Association, founded in 1918 and the oldest association of journalists in the United States, has established a scholarship program aimed at encouraging foreign students enrolled in graduate programs in this country to pursue a career reporting on international affairs.
A minimum of three scholarships will be awarded, one for $10,000, one for $7,500, and the other for $5,000. The money is to be used for further study in print, broadcast or photojournalism. Only applicants with F-1 and J-1 Visas are eligible for consideration.
Presentation of awards will be made at the Annual Dinner of the FPA in early May 2011.
The deadline for submission of material is December 30, 2010.
Further Scholarship Information and Application: