IT University of Copenhagen PhD Scholarships 2011

IT University of Copenhagen PhD Scholarships 2011
The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) invites applications for a number of PhD scholarships starting in February 2011. We are interested in applications that focus on one or more of the research areas below.
Efficient solutions to computationally hard problems, algorithms for searching and analyzing of large amounts of data, databases and data mining, sensor networks and data management, algorithm engineering, experimental performance studies.
Automated reasoning, categorical logic, type theory, coordination languages, electronic voting, logical frameworks, models for concurrency, distributed and mobile computation, programming languages semantics, modular program verification, programming languages, static analysis of programming and modelling languages, workflow languages.
Tools, methods and processes for software development, including programming and modelling languages, requirements, architecture, empirical studies, and software for user interface design, pervasive computing and decision support.
Game aesthetics, game ontology, games and narratives, game culture, game play, player communities, games and human computer interfaces/game testing, game artificial intelligence, player (cognitive and affective) modeling, computational intelligence and games.
Computer supported cooperative work, science and technology studies, health care IT, organizations and IT, globalization and technology, mutual shaping of culture, organizations, people, and technologies, through practices of design and use.
Advanced and innovative communication trends, design and development of interactive technologies for senior citizens, methods of pragmatic inclusive design, user modeling, design and evaluation of assistive technology-user interface history, emerging body-centric and perception-centric techniques for human-computer interaction based on mobile tracking of eye-gaze, body posture, hand gestures, and everyday object manipulation and society.
Study of digital culture, digital media, mediated interpersonal communication and the way we use a variety of digital media in our everyday lives for social, practical and expressive purposes.
The study of mobile communication and online media’s social consequences, in both national and international contexts, addressing the interplay of local and global phenomena.
More information about the individual research groups, their research interests and specific PhD projects within their areas.
You are also welcome to contact individual members of the faculty directly for more information about the respective research areas.
Applicants accepted will be employed and enrolled at the IT University for a period of 3 or 4 years.
Appointment and salary will be in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC).
For example, the basic salary of a 3 year PhD student amounts to
DKK 25.014,58 per month.
General information:
A successful applicant will be an excellent student capable of conducting research under supervision from the IT University’s faculty members at the highest international level.
The PhD scholarships run for a period of 3- or 4-years depending on the university degree level of the applicant.
The following qualifications are required. If you apply to be enrolled you have 2 options:
• 3 year programme, you must be able to present a Master’s degree i.e. 5 full time years of University Studies, divided into 3 full time years of bachelor level exams plus 2 full time years of Master level exams of 180 + 120 ECTS points
• 4 year programme: A Bachelor degree i.e. 4 full time years of University Studies, divided into 3 full time years of bachelor level exams plus 1 full time year of Master level exams 180 + 60 ECTS points.
The one year of 60 MA-level ECTS points must be possible to fit into one of the Master programs at the IT University.
One year of full time studies consists of 1680 hours and equals 60 ECTS points.
Recommended enclosures
A statement of purpose must be authored by yourself and must include both a research question and main goals, for your potential PhD project.
As an applicant you should specifically explain if you have needed disciplinary and /or methodological training to conduct scientific work.
The statement of purpose will be used to determine your abilities of critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and scientific writing.
Interdisciplinary approaches:
For PhD-applicants working with interdisciplinary approaches, including social sciences and humanities perspectives, the statement of purpose should also include a motivated choice of theory and method, and a suggestion of empirical basis of the research.
Application deadline: 6 October 2010
Application procedure:
You can only apply for this position through our e-Recruitment system. Apply for this position by pushing the button “Apply for position” below.
Please go to guidelines for applicants before you fill in the application form.
Questions regarding this call may be directed to the relevant research department, or the ITU PhD School, phone: +45 7218 5065 / 7218 5063
After the deadline, a time schedule of the evaluation-, interviewing-, and hiring process can be followed via approximate dates on our homepage.
The IT University wishes to reflect an international environment and regards multiplicity as resources. We encourage everybody irrespective of personal background to apply for the vacant position.