Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarships 2011 on Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P)

Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarships 2011 on Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P)
The European Master on Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P) is a postgraduate university programme, supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus Mundus Programme.
The Master requires a university degree in Psychology. The objective is to contribute to the qualification of professionals and researchers in the discipline of Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology emphasizing a European approach and perspective. The Master implements the main guidelines developed by the Euro-Psych model for the European Diploma of Psychology (EDP) supported by the European Federation of Psychology Association (EFPA). It also follows the Reference Model and Minimal Standards of the European Curriculum in WOP Psychology established by the European Network of Work and Organizational Psychology Professors (ENOP). Five European Universities are involved: Universitat de València (Spain) as the coordinating institution, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), Université René Descartes Paris 5 (France), Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna (Italy), and Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal).
The duration of the Programme is two full-time years, with a total workload of 120 ECTS credits (60 per year). The languages of instruction and examination will be the languages of the countries where the universities are located (Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese), but some invited seminars and courses in the partner institutions may be in English.
Students will gain a broad view of the discipline thanks to the mobility requirements of the Master: The student has to develop at least 60 ECTS credits of the workload in the partner institution where he/she is registered (Home University), and at least 40 ECTS credits (1/3 of the total) in another partner institution located in a different country (Host University). Any combination of home and host universities, pertaining to different countries, is possible.
Students are awarded the double title, delivered by the WOP-P Programme
The Master on Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P) has four main objectives:
- to prepare the students as competent practitioners in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology at the entry level as independent (non supervised) practitioners. This preparation is inspired in the scientist-practitioner model, which assumes that good preparation as a practitioner implies the acquisition of professional and research competences
- to offer a European referent of training in WOP-P to the students of other regions of the world
- to promote mobility of European and third-country students and staff across Europe
- to contribute towards university excellence and competitiveness within the European Higher Education system.
Erasmus Mundus Grants (Scholarships)
Without prejudice to high academic standards, in order to ensure geographical diversity among students/scholars, as compulsory requirement of the Erasmus Mundus requirements, WOP-P Consortium must and shall respect the following basic criteria when selecting students/scholars for an Erasmus Mundus grant/scholarship:
- No more than two of the students selected for an Erasmus Mundus Master Course (EMMC) grant/scholarship should have the same nationality.
- Each Non-European (or third-country) scholar selected to receive a grant should come from a different higher education institution
- Grants for European Students
- Grants for Non-European Students
- Grants for Non-European Scholars
Documents required:
- the application form (to be filled in English)
- an extensive CV, stating publication records, research activities, etc (to be filled in English)
- certified photocopy of your academic degrees or professional diplomas, and your previous teaching experience in the field (seminars, intensive courses, etc)
- language certificates, if available
- further qualification documents, if appropriate
- The attached documentation must be presented in English. Other languages as French, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish will be also accepted. Documents in other languages must be translated in English by a sworn translator or by a Diplomatic representative.
The application form and the different documents have to be submitted by post, and e-mail (scanned) to the Coordinating Institution ( University of Valencia ). Original documents have to be provided in due course.
Postal address:
Facultad de PsicologĂa
Attn: Inmaculada Aleixos
Dpto. PsicologĂa Social
Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 21
e-mail address:;