van Oord MBA Scholarship, Switzerland

van Oord MBA Scholarship, Switzerland
Geographic regionDeveloping countries whose advancement / progress has been strongly influenced by its seaside location, struggle against the water, maritime tradition, river transportation system, etc.
Who can qualify?
Accepted candidates with financial need who are citizens of the above geographical areas with a preference given to those who wish to return to their countries after graduation. Preference also is given to those with a technical background and / or experience related to marine engineering.
Submitting an essay on: “How the seaside location of my country can be better used to contribute to economic growth and sustainability.” (maximum 750 words)
Jury: van Oord family and the IMD MBA scholarship committee
Deadline: September 30
Contact: Scholarship essays, or questions, should be sent to mbafinance[at]
IMD MBA scholarship conditions
Applicants must have been accepted into the IMD MBA program prior to their application.
Our scholarship applications are essay based, with winning essays typically including the following features:
* Relevance to the essay title
* Organization and structure
* Fully developed arguments
* Persuasiveness
* Personal element and/or passion
IMD reserves the right not to award a scholarship if the criteria are not met to the satisfaction of the jury / sponsors.
Visit official website.