Master Scholarship in Optics in Science & Technology at Institut D’Optique Graduate School, France

Master Scholarship in Optics in Science & Technology at Institut D’Optique Graduate School, France
Students enrolled in the two-year programme will study in two different countries of their choice, spending one year in each and offering the opportunity to acquire 60 European Credit Transfer System units (ECTS) per year. Students are trained for technical or scientific positions in academic or industrial environment specialised in optics or using optics. PhD studies are a natural extension of the Course.
Mobility scheme: each student spends the first year at one of the five sites and the second year at one of the other four sites.
The language of instruction is English. Students are offered the possibility to learn the local language as part of the programme. Courses are taught by research staff members. The student population is multinational with a professor/student ratio of about 2.
Erasmus Mundus grants for non-EU students (“Category A” from 2010-11)
OpSciTech is one of the Master Courses selected by the prestigious Erasmus Mundus framework of the European Commission through which students from non-European Uni0n countries are eligible for two-year grants of € 24,000 per year. For 2010/2011, a total of 10 Erasmus Mundus grants are available for these students (“general category”) and additionally 1 or 2 specifically for students from “special windows”, namely Western Balkans and Turkey. EM grants are awarded on the basis of merit by the European Commission under proposition of the OpSciTech board.
For whom does this apply?
Students from non-EU countries are defined as:
- nationals coming from all countries other than the 27 EU Member States
- who are not residents of any of the above countries
- who have not carried out their main activities (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the above countries.
Additionally, for 2010/11, the extra-grant “special windows” is reserved for students from:
- Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, Montenegro, Serbia) and Turkey.
Erasmus Mundus grants for European students (“Category B” from 2010-11)
For 2010/2011, a total of 8 Erasmus Mundus grants of maximum € 23,000 for two years are available for students from the 27 EU members, or from the AELE – i.e. from Iceland, Liechtenstein or from Norway – on condition that their institution of origin is not a Partner of the OpSciTech Consortium. EM grants are awarded on the basis of merit by the European Commission under proposition of the OpSciTech board.
Partner grants for EU OpSciTech students
“Regular” Erasmus Grants:
EU students can apply for an Erasmus student grant. However, the Erasmus student grant cannot cover the totality of the 2-year OpSciTech programme. In practice, the university in which the European student starts the OpSciTech programme may grant an Erasmus student grant for the student’s study period at the second hosting institution within the Erasmus Mundus Masters consortium. Erasmus student grant can cover a mobility period of 12 months maximum (~1,500 €/year). EU students already enrolled in the last year of their Bachelor programme (or equivalent) in any of the partner institutions of the OpSciTech consortium can apply for an Erasmus student grant from their 1st year spent abroad out of their institution of origin.
Partner grants
Additional grants may be available locally for outgoing or for incoming students in the OpSciTech programme.
For details, refer to the respective websites’ information on scholarships:
- Delft (click here for a grant offered to EU students who want to study in Delft)
- Jena (click here for a grant offered to EU students who want to study in Jena)
- Warsaw (also click here for a grant offered to EU students who want to study in Warsaw)
Other grants
Several scholarships/grants are proposed each year to students enrolled or about to enroll in graduate programmes in optical science and engineering and related disciplines:
- SPIE scholarships (SPIE, international society for advancement of science and application of light) Through 2009 SPIE has distributed over $2.8 million in scholarships to 1,233 students across 86 countries. SPIE awarded over $300,000 in 2010 with individual scholarships ranging from $2,000 to $11,000. Applications are available here and the submission deadline for 2011 is January 15, 2011. The 2011 application form will be available in August 2010.
- UNESCO Fellowships Programme in support of Programme Priorities The fellowships -max. US $15,000 per applicant- offered under this scheme are of short term duration (6 months maximum) and are intended for specialized training at the postgraduate level.
OPSCITECH Scholarships for European Students in Jena
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy has some OpSciTech Scholarships available for the European Erasmus Mundus Master Course “Optics in Science and Technology” for excellent candidates from European countries. On top of that, for European students, a “classical” Erasmus grant of on average €1,500 is available for the second year.
OPSCITECH Scholarships for European Students in Warsaw
Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) Faculty of Mechatronics has some OpSciTech Scholarships available for the European Erasmus Mundus Master Course “Optics in Science and Technology” for excellent candidates from European countries. On top of that, for European students, a “classical” Erasmus grant of on average €1,500 is available for the second year.
Erasmus Mundus Master programme
Optics in Science & Technology
Coordinator’s Office
Campus Polytechnique-RD 128, 2 av. Augustin Fresnel
91127 Palaiseau Cedex FRANCE
Phone : +33 1 64 53 32 08