Study Trips to Germany by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Study Trips to Germany by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) funds Study Visits and Study Seminars and Practicals in the Federal Republic of Germany by groups of foreign students under the direction of university teachers.
I. Funding Objectives
- This funding programme aims to deliver subject-related knowledge by arranging corresponding visits, tours and information meetings (Study Visits) respectively by organising subject-related seminars and practical courses in the field of higher education (e.g. specialist courses, block seminars, workshops) at the invitation of a German university which is then also responsible for arranging seminars and practicals in academia, business and industry and, possibly, in public institutions (Study Seminars and Practicals).
- To facilitate meetings with German students, academics and researchers to establish and maintain contacts between German and foreign universities.
- To enable participants to acquire a greater understanding of Germany by providing an insight into economic, political and cultural life in Germany. This part of the visit must not make up more than one third of the stay.
In the case of Study Seminars and Practicals, the programme aims to encourage a policy of reciprocal invitation, although this does not constitute a condition of support, which means that funding can initially also be given for visits in only one direction.
Cultural events (e.g. concert trips) may be funded if the focus is on subject-specific meetings between students and the relevance to higher education is proven.
A maximum of one application per year can be considered per department, institute and applicant. Required / mandatory excursions or measures which have already been carried out cannot be funded.
Annual funding for applicants, departments or institutes is not possible.
II. Target Group and Length of Stay
- Funding can be provided for groups of students who are fully matriculated in their third semester or higher in a respective degree programme at a foreign university and who travel under guidance and direction of a university teacher. Groups must be made up of at least 10 participants and must not, as a rule exceed 15 persons. One university teacher may additionally be funded as an accompanying person.
- Group Visits and Study Seminars and Practicals should last no less than 7 days. Funding is available for a maximum 12 days (including travel days), although the stays may last longer.
III. Funding
The DAAD takes out health, accident and public/private liability insurance for each funded group. Further details are contained in the Award Letter.
Due to the limited financial resources, the DAAD reserves the right to reduce the level of funding. It is assumed that the universities or other sponsors (e.g. support associations, companies from business and industry) will contribute to the overall costs, so that the personal contribution to be made by participants remains at a reasonable level.
III. 1. Study Trips
Regulations applying to Indonesia (among other countries)
a) Programme planning
The DAAD plans the programme design. Wishes and preferences stated in the application form will, as far as possible, be taken into consideration. However, it is likely that cuts or changes will be made to the programme due to decisions reached by the selection committees. The DAAD provides a travel guide fluent in the agreed group language who is responsible for the smooth running of and compliance with the programme drawn up by DAAD Head Office
b) Meals and accommodation
As a rule, groups will be accommodated in twin or three-bed rooms in hotels or youth guesthouses/hostels. The DAAD pays the subsistence costs (meals and accommodation) for the group (including for the group leader and, where appropriate, bus driver) during the stay in Germany.
c) Transport
The DAAD decides on the choice of means of transport. In many cases, a coach/bus will be used to ensure that the visit programme schedule can run smoothly. In the case of groups that cannot travel to Germany with their own coach/bus, the DAAD can hire a coach/bus for travel within Germany. If the group travels in a coach/bus not hired by the DAAD, a seat must be available for the DAAD guide; in such cases, the DAAD will pay the fuel costs for travel within Germany. For some programme points, however, use of public transport may be more suitable. The conditions will be advised on an individual basis.
The DAAD regrets that it is unable to pay any international travel costs.
III. 2. Study Seminars and Practicals
Regulations applying to Indonesia (among other countries)
Groups receive a flat-rate sum of € 40.- per person and day as a subsidy towards the travel and subsistence costs.
IV. Application papers
The DAAD is only able to process punctually submitted complete applications. The DAAD regrets that it is unable to call for any missing documents or papers to be subsequently submitted. A full and complete funding application comprises the following elements:
- Application form (download here ) ; including budget and list of participants
- Reasons for and contentual description of the programme for one subject area, including a precise list of the visit and tour preferences, both in terms of subject-related (academic) content and of German area studies content. Vague or generally-worded descriptions (e.g. visits to museums, universities) are not acceptable.
- Schedule (in tabular form)
- Description of the contentual preparation for the group trip (e.g. preparatory seminars).
- Proof of contacts on the German side (in the case of Study Trips), especially in higher education (e.g. by sending invitations or letters of confirmation).
Proof of contacts on the foreign side (in the case of Study Seminars and Practicals) who state their opinion on the importance of the Study Seminar and Practical specified in the application and on how this seminar or practical is integrated into the academic progress of the foreign participants.
(General agreements, cooperation agreements and so on are not, on their own, sufficient proof and can only be submitted as support for the proof of contacts)
V. Application and Decision Process
Applications must be submitted in such good time as to ensure that they reach the DAAD by the following deadlines (Date of Receipt at the DAAD in Bonn).
- 01 February for trips to begin at the 01.06 (DAAD decision made at the mid of April)
- 01 May for trips to begin at the 01.09 (DAAD decision made at the mid of July)
- 01 November for trips begin at the 01.03 (DAAD decision made at the mid of January)
Applicants are recommended in all cases to use the most recent version of this information Sheet and the corresponding Application Form when submitting their application. These forms can be found on the DAAD website ( under “information for Foreigners – Sources of the Financial Support – Scholarship Database”.
The decision will be made by a selection committee at the DAAD. Due to the limited financial resources, experience has shown that only some of the applications can be approved that meet the programme’s three funding objectives. These are particularly well organised visits of cultural and educational policy interest with a clear focus on encouraging meeting and encounter.
V.1 Study Trips
Applications may be placed by university teachers from foreign universities. Applications must be written in German or English and submitted to DAAD Jakarta Office one month prior to the deadline specified above. DAAD Jakarta will forward the applications to the DAAD in Bonn together with a statement of opinion.
Before placing the application, please inquire the DAAD Jakarta Office as to the latest date by which the application must have been submitted (recieved) there in order to ensure that the application reaches the DAAD in Bonn by 01 February, 01 May respectively 01 November.
V.2. Study Seminars and Practicals
Applications may be placed by university teachers from German universities. Applications must be submitted to the DAAD via the International Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt) of the German university.
VI. Addresses
DAAD Jakarta Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 61-62
Summitmas I, 19th Floor,
Jakarta 12190
Tel.: (021) 520 08 70, 525 28 07
Fax: (021) 525 28 22
Consultation hours:
Monday – Thursday (13:30 – 16:00)
Referat 224
Kennedyallee 50
D – 53175 Bonn
Responsible desk officer:
Ms. Katharina Klein
Phone:+ 49 228 882 370
Fax: + 49 228 882 447
Ms. Julia Loellgen
Phone:+ 49 228 882 328
Fax: + 49 228 882 447