McGill University Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities in Law

McGill University Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunities in Law
The Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law invite applications for postgraduate scholarship opportunities
FQRSC Scholarship in Transsystemic Legal Studies
With significant financial support from the Fonds québécois de la recherché sur la société et la culture, the QRCPCL has launched a wide-ranging research program on transsystemic legal education and how it affects our understanding of the discipline of law. Funds are available for one graduate student, either at the doctoral or the master’s level (up to $15,000), to participate in this program. The selected student will be one whose proposed research relates to aspects of transsystemic legal education or legal epistemology. This could include (but is not limited to): comparative law as applied in legal education; methodology or philosophy of comparative law methodology or philosophy of legal education; interdisciplinary perspectives on comparative law or legal education. The student will participate in the activities of the research program, including the organization of conferences on transsystemic legal education, the publication of conference proceedings, and the publication of scholarship on transsystemic legal thought.
The successful student may be granted a renewable or a non-renewable scholarship. This scholarship is now offered for 2010-11. Priority will be given to students applying to postgraduate programs at McGill University’s Faculty of Law. Such candidates should indicate in their application to the Faculty of Law that they wish to be considered for this scholarship. If a suitable candidate is not found in that group, applications will be invited at a later date from other students who will be able to participate in the program of research
MDEIE Scholarships in Civil Law Trusts
With significant financial support from the Ministère du Développement économique, de ‘Innovation et de l’Exportation, the QRCPCL has launched an ambitious research program on the institution of the trust in civil law. Funds are available for one doctoral student (up to $15,000) and one masters’ student (up to $12,000) to participate in this program. The selected students will be ones whose proposed research relates to aspects of the trust in the civilian tradition, or in a comparative perspective. The students will participate in the organization of a large international conference on the law of trusts, the publication of the proceedings, and in other activities related to the program of research.
The successful students may be granted renewable or non-renewable scholarships. These scholarships are now offered for 2010-11; it is expected that they will also be available, subject to the renewal of existing scholarships, in 2011-12.
Priority will be given to students applying to Postgraduate programs at McGill University’s Faculty of Law.
Such candidates should indicate in their application to the Faculty of Law that they wish to be considered for these scholarships. If a suitable candidate is not found in that group, applications will be invited at a later date from other students who will be able to participate in the program of research.
Lionel Smith
Director: Quebec Research Centre Of Private & Comparative Law James McGill Professor, McGill University
Tel.: (514) 398-4670