Master Scholarships in Food Processing, Centre for Water, Earth and Environment, Canada

Master Scholarships in Food Processing, Centre for Water, Earth and Environment, Canada
The fruit processing industry is experiencing a surge in its growth with Quebec ranked tenth in North America. The growth has generated huge quantities of “fruit pomace” as solid waste (25–30% of the total processed fruits) obtained after the extraction of fruit juice. The objective is to carry out value-addition of pomace to produce ligninolytic enzymes; extract polyphenols; and use the fermented mass as animal feed by using a white rot fungus, Phanerochaete chrysosporium.
The fruit pomace residues are generally rich in carbohydrates, especially cell wall polysaccharides and other functionally important bioactive molecules, such as proteins, minerals and natural antioxidants. Owing to the high carbohydrate content, fruit pomace can be used as a substrate for the microbial production of enzymes and extraction of other high-value added products, such as anti-oxidants. Further, the high protein enriched residue can serve as animal feed.
Research Area:
Fermentation to produce ligninolytic enzymes and simultaneously analyze polyphenolic compounds and carry out experiments with swine feed.
B.Sc./B.Tech. in microbiology, biochemistry, biological engineering, biochemical engineering, chemical engineering or related discipline. Practical experience in the field of solid state fermentation or liquid fermentation and knowledge of high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrophotometry is an added asset. Computer knowledge preferably include programming skills is an advantage. Candidates should be proficient in English and French.
Application should include a CV, list of publications, names and contacts of 2-3 references, list of research interests. For applications and further information please contact:
Dr. S.K. Brar
Assistant Professor
INRS-ETE Univ. Quebec
490, rue de la Couronne
Quebec, G1K 9A9 (CANADA)