Hellenic Aid Scholarships Grant Programme 2010-2011 for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies

Hellenic Aid Scholarships Grant Programme 2010-2011 for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies
Within the framework of international development cooperation and assistance, each year, Hellenic Aid grants approximately 100 scholarships to foreign and expatriate students deriving from developing countries for graduate and postgraduate studies at Greek universities and technological education institutes.
- Hellenic Aid Scholarship Programme for the academic year 2010-2011.
- Application form for undergraduate studies
- Application form for postgraduate studies
- Table of eligible countries for the academic year 2010-2011.
Hellenic Aid has adopted, since 2002, the Scholarships Grant Programme, which provides the opportunity to nationals of developing countries to study in academic and technological institutions in Greece. The objective of the programme is the creation of executives, capable to contribute, in the future, to the development of their country of origin.
The Greek education system, our cultural heritage, as well as the modern intellectual status of our country can operate as powerful tools to the development of their country.
At the same time, via the Scholarships Grant Programme, we create the conditions which will contribute to the assimilation of developmental assistance provided by other Hellenic Aid Service programmes, such as those in infrastructures and in professional training.
Within the framework of Hellenic Development Cooperation and Assistance, Hellenic Aid grants for the academic year 2010—2011, 100 scholarships for studies in Greece to nationals of countries included in the list of the Development Assistance Committee of OECD.
Scholarships are granted for undergraduate and postgraduate studies at Greek Higher Academic and Technological institutions.
Scholarships are not provided for a) undergraduate studies in Theology (scholarships in this sector are granted by the Directorate for Religious and Ecclesiastic Affairs of the MFA) and Fine Arts. (b) postgraduate studies in Medicine. Medical specialties are under the authority of the Ministry of Health.
This Call of Interest is forwarded to the Greek diplomatic and consular authorities in eligible countries.
All interested students should submit a complete candidature file (scholarship application accompanied by the necessary supporting documents) to the above-mentioned Greek authorities in their country of origin. The latter shall forward the whole number of files to Hellenic Aid.
The deadline for submitting applications to the Greek authorities abroad is July 30, 2010.
Hellenic Aid evaluates all submitted applications, selects the scholars and announces the results to successful applicants via the Greek authorities in the recipient countries, around September.
2. Terms and Duration of scholarship
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs ensures the reservation of places at the Universities for undergraduate studies, as well as at the Greek Language Schools.
Postgraduate candidates must have been admitted in a University Postgraduate Course, before they apply for a scholarship. In the exceptional case that the final decision of their acceptance is pending, Hellenic Aid has the discretion to accept the candidates as scholars under the condition of their submitting the relevant declaration of acceptance, within a period of two months.
The undergraduate course enrollment takes place the academic year that follows the Greek Language Course (scholars excluded are those that already possess the Certificate of Greek Language Proficiency). Scholars are entitled to enroll, during September-October, only at the Department they are selected for. They are not entitled to be transferred to another department at a later stage.
For the University registration to take place, candidates should possess a certificate denoting their command of the Greek language (see above). If the candidate does not hold this certificate, he/she is obliged to attend the annual Greek Language course, during the first year of his/hers scholarship’s programme.
The said certificate is not necessary in the two cases stated below: a) Expatriate scholars are obliged to enroll directly in the department for which they have been selected, independently of the possession of the Greek Language Proficiency Certificate. In case of insufficient knowledge of the Greek language, Hellenic Aid may permit the scholar to attend a language course, in parallel to his/her studies. b) When the postgraduate course is held in English.
This certificate is issued following relevant examinations either in Athens, by the Modern Greek Language Teaching Center of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, or in Thessaloniki, by the Modern Greek Language Center of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Selected scholars are requested to contact the competent Hellenic Aid Department, in Athens, or the Ministry’s Service in Thessaloniki, early October the latest, in order to become registered as Greek Government’s Scholar, sign the Scholarship Award Contract and get a Certificate of Scholarship for the issuance of their residence permit (based on art. 34 of Law 3386/2005).
Scholarship holders are supposed to provide for their accommodation as well as for their initial expenses upon their arrival, until they receive the first payment which will include a relocation allowance.
The scholarship for undergraduate studies:
- covers a preparatory year of learning the Greek language (if necessary) in the above-mentioned centers
- is granted for the duration of studies (number of academic years) provided for in the syllabus of the University, with a possibility of a 1-year extension, upon examination of the application of the scholar, due to special reasons
- is annually renewed under the condition that the scholar submits an official record of progress showing that he/she has successfully passed the examinations in:
- at least 70% of the total number of courses of each of the first two academic years of the syllabus.
- at least 80% of the total number of courses of each of the following academic years of the syllabus.
The scholarship for postgraduate studies
- covers a preparatory year of learning the Greek language (if necessary) at the above-mentioned centers
- is granted for the duration of studies (number of academic years) provided for in the syllabus of the course, which the scholar attends, with the possibility of a 1-year extension. In any case, the scholarship cannot exceed a total of three years for a Master’s degree and 4 years for PhD studies.
- is annually renewed, upon the evaluation of the record of progress submitted by the scholar
The scholarship recipients must be prepared and decided to attend regularly their studies and to present satisfactory progress, continuity and stability in their performance according to the regulations of scholarship renewal. The scholarship can be withdrawn at any time for nonsatisfactory academic progress, or for illegal or improper behavior of the scholarship recipient.
At the end of their studies, scholars have to submit to Hellenic Aid, a ratified copy of their academic title.
The terms and the conditions of scholarship are reported at length in the relative agreement that is concluded between the scholar and Hellenic Aid.
For the renewal of scholarship, scholars should submit to Hellenic Aid, according to their year of studies :
- i) The Certificate of Language, as a necessary condition for the registration in the University (with the exception of the English-language postgraduate programmes) or
- ii) A Certificate of University Registration after the registration takes place or
- iii) An official copy of the record of progress, every year, starting from the end of the second semester of studies and after that at the end of every academic year (The only exception is in case of “warning”, in which the submission of the record of progress is obligatory for three terms in a row.)
The above-mentioned documents are necessary for the renewal of the scholarship; otherwise Hellenic Aid has the right to end the scholarship.
3. Scholarship benefits
Scholars are entitled to
- A 600-euros monthly scholarship allowance
- A 1.000-euros relocation fee, on condition that the scholars were foreign residents at the time of their candidature and a monthly allowance of 650 euros for the first three months
- Free-of-charge meals in the University and provision of the educational material (books etc.) on a free of charge basis.
- Exemption from tuition fees in the above-mentioned Greek Language Centers.
- Exemption from tuition fees in some postgraduate programmes
- Free medical care in state hospitals.
- An amount of 1.000 euros, on condition of successful and in time, completion of studies, upon the scholars’ returning to their country of origin.
The scholarship does not cover accommodation expenses. These expenses are covered by scholars themselves.
The first payment of the scholarship allowance takes place approximately one month after the scholarships’ arrival in Greece. The scholars should therefore be able to cope with their initial expenses.
4. Eligibility Conditions
Interested applicants should :
- Be foreign nationals of the countries included in the present call of interest
- Be not younger than 18 years old before 1.10.2010, since minors of age cannot be granted a residence permit.
- Hold a lyceum graduation certificate or an equivalent certificate of a secondary education institution and have the right to enroll to higher academic or technological institutions in the country of issuance of the certificate
- With regard to postgraduate/doctoral studies, applicants should have been accepted in the relative programme of a Greek University before they apply for the scholarship
Scholarships are not granted
- to Greek civil servants or persons related to civil servants of Greece.
- to persons having the Greek nationality or are in the process of getting the Greek nationality
5. Supporting documents
Eligible candidates should submit until the deadline date and via the Greek Diplomatic Authorities in their country of residence, a complete file of candidature. The application (relative form is available at the Greek diplomatic authorities) should be completed and signed by the candidates.
The latter must indicate up to three departments of the same field, which they wish to attend or the postgraduate programme and the University in which they are accepted.
Applications should be accompanied by the required documents:
For undergraduate studies:
- Application with three choices of departments.
- Curriculum Vitae including a photo of the candidate.
- Cover Letter of the candidates, summarizing their studies-knowledge and the reasons of interest for the particular choices of departments.
- Certificate of graduation from lyceum or equivalent secondary education institution.
- Certificate issued by the competent authority of the candidate’s country of origin, stating that his/her title of studies enables him/her to enroll to a higher educational institution of that country (form 1).
- Certificate issued by the competent foreign authority stating the nationality and country of origin of the candidate along with that of his/her parents (form 2).
- Certificate issued by the relevant Greek diplomatic authorities of the candidate’s country, stating that the candidate has resided abroad for, at least, the last five (5) years before the academic year in which the selection process takes place.
- Certified copy of the candidate’s passport.
- Health Certificate.
For postgraduate studies:
- Application, indicating the University and the postgraduate programme of admission.
- Curriculum Vitae including a photo of the candidate.
- Cover Letter of the candidates, summarizing their studies-knowledge and the reasons of interest for the Programme.
- University Degree from foreign University recognizable from the Hellenic National Academic Recognition Information Center (NARIC) or Greek University
- Certificate of a Greek Higher Educational Institution regarding the candidate’s acceptance as a postgraduate student or for carrying out doctoral thesis.
- Certificate issued by the competent foreign authority stating the nationality and country of origin of the candidate along with that of his/her parents (form 2).
- Certificate issued by the relevant Greek diplomatic authorities of the candidate’s country, stating that the candidate has resided abroad for, at least, the last five (5) years before the academic year in which the selection process takes place.
- Certified copy of the candidate’s passport.
- Health Certificate.
Applications are submitted only in Greek diplomatic and consular offices abroad. Applications could also be submitted in Greece, in the scholarships office of Hellenic Aid, only by candidates who are already graduate scholars of Hellenic Aid and wish to continue for postgraduate studies or for doctoral thesis. Furthermore, the latter must have completed their studies without delay.
All supporting foreign documents have to bear the apostille or be certified by a Greek diplomatic authority abroad (depending on the country) and be translated into Greek by a Greek diplomatic authority abroad or by the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Only complete files of candidature will be evaluated. Incomplete, inaccurate, insufficient or illegible applications will be rejected.