[UK] PhD in Project `Music, Digitization, Mediation: Towards Interdisciplinary Music Studies` at Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology

[UK] PhD in Project `Music, Digitization, Mediation: Towards Interdisciplinary Music Studies` at Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
PhD Studentship at Faculty of Music/Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of OxfordTwo doctoral studentships will soon be available, funded for 3 years each and tenable from October 2010; they are likely to be held in the Faculty of Music or the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford. The studentships may be awarded to applicants of suitable calibre with appropriate research interests.
It is envisaged that the two DPhil studentships will be attached to the research project `Music, Digitization, Mediation: Towards Interdisciplinary Music Studies` directed by Prof. Georgina Born and funded by the European Research Council. The project involves ethnographic studies of the transformation of musical practices by digital media in a number of countries; it also involves collaboration between the team of ethnographers carrying out the studies. One DPhil student will work on digital music practices in the UK; the other DPhil student will work on digital music practices in India. Both will be supervised by Prof. Born.
Those interested in applying will probably have a good undergraduate degree and Masters degree in one or a combination of the following subjects: Music, Social Anthropology, Ethnomusicology, Sociology, Media Studies. Those from cognate disciplines (eg Geography) may also apply. They should preferably have considerable literacy in digital media and/or digital music media, and a strong interest in ethnographic research (although prior ethnographic experience is not necessary). Skills or a background in music, and in anthropological and social theory, would be helpful. For the India study, existing language skills in Hindi are required.
Informal expressions of interest at this stage (including a full academic CV and a one-page statement of skills and experience appropriate to the project) should be sent to: christopher.waite@music.ox.ac.uk.