[Poland] MSc Student in `Coherently Prepared Media – Novel Properties and Applications` at Jagiellonian University

[Poland] MSc Student in `Coherently Prepared Media – Novel Properties and Applications` at Jagiellonian University
Stipend offer nr 4/Team/10Position: MSc student in for Quantum-state engineering in `Coherently Prepared Media – Novel Properties and Applications` project
Number of stipends: 1
Institution: Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University
Maximum period of stipend agreement: 1 year
Position starts on: 01.09.2010
Stipend`s amount: 1000 zł /month
Pension insurance: no
Key responsibilities include:
Quantum-state superpositions are often employed as qubits in quantum information. For their successful application in is essential to lengthen the coherence times, and have versatile methods of controlling the state of such superpositions by external electromagnetic fields. The propose of the project is to develop such methods. In particular, superpositions of specific atomic magnetic sublevels will be required with well determined quantum numbers and symmetric properties which will offer new ways of performing quantum operations on such states. Experimental methods of unambiguous detection of such states by optical methods will also be developed within the project.
Application deadline: 25 June 2010
Profile of candidates:
1. completion of at least 3rd year (BSc level) in physics, material science, advanced materials or related fields,
2. good scores in atomic, optical physics and in quantum mechanics,
3. strong motivation for research work,
4. teamwork ability,
5. good command of English.
Required documents:
- covering letter,
- curriculum vitae,
- reference letter,
We offer:
1. possibility of completing the MSc requirements,
2. access to modern experimental apparatus,
3. work in a dynamic team, participation in edge-cutting research and international exchange,
4. prospects for future research with the team (PhD study),
5. stipend (1 000 PLN per month) for about a year,
For more details about the position please visit: www.if.uj.edu.pl/team
Principal Investigator: Prof. Wojciech Gawlik
Candidates fulfilling the requirements send required documents to Prof. Wojciech Gawlik with `TEAM application form` in a Subject line.
Address for applications: gawlik@uj.edu.pl
Closing date: 25.06.2010
Please include in your offer:
`In accordance with the personal data protection act from 29 th August 1997, I hereby agree to process and to store my personal data by the Institution for recruitment purposes`.
The granting institution may seek to contact the best candidates only