PhD Studentship in Robotics at University of Ulster, UK

PhD Studentship in Robotics at University of Ulster, UK
Applications are invited for a PhD studentship on the study and development of a robot operating in a smart home. This project is part of a wider programme to develop intelligent environment technologies. An intelligent environment is fitted with sensors to monitor and infer activity within the home. A mobile robot can help by monitoring from different viewpoints and at close range. The robot can be directed to the location of the activity to collect further evidence of activity detected by the network of fixed sensors. Similarly, the robot can investigate suspected sensor failure to provide autonomicity and act as a temporary sensor to re-establish a full operating intelligent environment. The introduction of the robot will permit activities to be disambiguated and help enhance activity analysis.
Candidates should hold, or expect to hold by 15 August 2010, a first or upper second class honours degree in Computer Science or engineering. Successful candidates will enrol as of September 2010, on a full-time programme of research studies leading to the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
The studentship will comprise fees and an annual stipend of £13,590. It will be awarded for a period of up to three years subject to satisfactory progress and is tenable in the Faculty of Computing and Engineering at the Jordanstown Campus.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 30th June 2010
Interviews will be held in July 2010
For further information on the application process please follow the guidance notes regarding the completion of the application form.
For further information on the project please contact Dr. Dorothy Monekosso,, or Roy Sterritt
Application materials are available from:
Research Office,
University of Ulster,
Cromore Road,
BT52 1SA,
Tel: 028 7032 4729,