PhD Research Scholar in Experimental Economics, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Norway

PhD Research Scholar in Experimental Economics, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Norway
The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH) is pleased to announce the availability of a PhD Research Scholarship in experimental economics at the department of economics.The scholarship is for a period of four years and combines taking a PhD programme at NHH with working as a research scholar. Research scholars are required to work as a teaching and/or research assistant for the department they are admitted to on enrolling in the PhD programme. The work requirement corresponds to 25% of a full position a year, with the remaining 75% being dedicated to the successful completion of a PhD.
The candidate will be a part of the research group on experiments and social choice at NHH. This research group, which includes assistant professor Ingvild Almås, professor Alexander W. Cappelen, associate professor Erik Ø. Sørensen and professor Bertil Tungodden, has pursued three distinct avenues of research. First, using economic experiments, it studies how individual choices are affected by normative considerations. In particular, the research group has looked at issues of fairness and responsibility, conducting experiments with various subject groups and international experiments where the subjects interact via the internet. An important part of this research program has been to structurally estimate random utility models that can explain the observed behaviour. Second, the research group also considers how different theories of justice can be justified through axiomatic analysis, and how these theories relate to inequality and poverty measurement. Third, the research group studies important policy issues related to distributive justice, including global income inequality, redistributive tax policies and health care.
The group collaborates with many international researchers, including researchers at the World Bank, Harvard University, Yale University, University of Berkeley, Loyola Marymount University, University of Copenhagen, University of Gent, University of Oslo, and Statistics Norway. The research output of the group is very good and the members of this group have published in top economic journals, including American Economic Review, Science, Journal of Political Economy, Economic Journal, and Economic Theory; in top philosophy journals, including Journal of Philosophy and Economics and Philosophy; and in many excellent field journals.
The annual salary for the PhD Research Scholarships is set according to the Norwegian State Salary Scale for PhD research scholars: State salary scale 45, which is currently 355,400 NOK gross (approximately 44,300 euro or about 55,000 US dollars). The scholarships are subject to Norwegian taxes and benefits, including health care provision and membership of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.
Applicants must fulfil the admission requirements of the PhD programme. Qualified applicants with research proposals that fit best with the research interests of the research group will be prioritized. In the event of equivalent qualifications, female applicants will be given preference. The deadline for the applications is 1 July 2010.
For further information about the available research group, please contact or