[Germany] PhD Position in Aerodynamics and Flow Technology at German Aerospace Center

[Germany] PhD Position in Aerodynamics and Flow Technology at German Aerospace Center
PhD student position (TVöD 13/2) : Aerodynamics and Flow TechnologyThe Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Braunschweig, Germany, offers a PhD student position (TVöD 13/2) for research activities in the field of flow solver developments.
Description of activities:
An internationally recognized junior-scientists group in the C²A²S²E² department of the Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology works on the development of the flow solver PADGE for compressible flows based on discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods. Currently, the focus is on efficient solver algorithms for discretisations of higher order, on error estimation with respect to aerodynamic force coefficients and on various refinement strategies. Turbulent flows are based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations and the Wilcox-k model.
The PhD candidate will work on the further development of turbulent flow simulations in the PADGE code. The tasks of the PhD candidate include:
- the development of new discretizations of turbulent boundary conditions for the RANS-kω equations.
- the analysis of the solution behaviour close to turbulent boundary layers,
- the development of a DG discretization of the RANS-k-SST equations as well as
- the development of a DG discretization of a Reynolds stress model (RSM).
This includes the consideration of special aspects related to discretizations of higher order and local mesh refinement. The new methods shall be applied to realistic aerodynamic test cases.
Parts of these developments could also be worked on in the framework of a diploma or master thesis and could then be continued as PhD thesis.
Requirement profile
Favoured qualifications:
1. Experience in finite element methods
2. Experience in C++ programming
3. Experience in numeric flow simulation
Minimum qualification:
1. Degree (MSc, MEng or equivalent) in the field of mathematics, scientific computing or aerospace engineering