[Czech Republic] PhD Position in Cell Biology, Genetics and Biochemistry at Charles University

[Czech Republic] PhD Position in Cell Biology, Genetics and Biochemistry at Charles University
PhD Position in Cell Biology, Genetics and Biochemistry at Charles University; PraguePhD position to work on the Exo70 family of cell morphogenesis regulators in Physcomitrella patens within the EU-ITN project PLANTORIGINS at the Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic).
We have a position open for a PhD student in our lab to study the functions of thirteen Exo 70 paralogues (putative subunits of the exocyst vesicle tethering complex) in Physcomitrella patens polar cell growth and morphogenesis. We use a large variety of tools from the disciplines of cell biology, genetics and biochemistry, as well as the gene targeting capabilities of moss, to study the mechanisms of Exo70 and exocyst functions in a moss type of early land plants.
For representative publications from the group see:
Synek L.,Schlager N.,Elias M., Quentin M., Hauser M-T., Zarsky V. AtEXO70A1, a member of a family of putative exocyst subunits specifically expanded in land plants, is important for polar growth and plant development. The Plant Journal 48:54-72, 2006.
Hala M, Cole R, Synek L, Drdová E, Pecenkova T, Nordheim A, Lamkemeyer T, Madlung J, Hochholdinger F, Fowler JE, Zarsky V. An Exocyst Complex Functions in Plant Cell Growth in Arabidopsis and Tobacco. The Plant Cell. 20:1330-45, 2008.
Žárský V, Cvrčková F, Potocký M, Hála M. Exocytosis and cell polarity in plants – exocyst and recycling domains. New Phytol. 183:255–272, 2009.
Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Faculty of Science / Dept. of Plant Physiology
Ovocný trh 3/5
116 36 - Praha 1
Czech Republic
fax +420 224 491 629
email eva.spilkova@ruk.cuni.cz
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