[Belgium] 2 PhD Scholarship in Computer Science - Intelligent Environments at Hasselt University

[Belgium] 2 PhD Scholarship in Computer Science - Intelligent Environments at Hasselt University
Vacature 090/32/089-90e/INFCall for candidates (m/f) for fulltime PhD positions at the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (EDM), ICT research institute of Hasselt University in Belgium, in the context of the BOF research project `Simultaneous Interaction Spaces` :
2 PhD Scholarships (2x2 years) `Computer Science - Intelligent Environments`
(mandate 090/32/089 and 090/32/090)
Application deadline: 16 July 2010
Envisioned research
The applicants will be focusing on (connected) smart environments in which context-aware interactive visualizations on arbitrary surfaces for multiple simultaneous users are realized. This implies investigating the required supporting infrastructure (hard- and software) for the creation of such environments, protocols for communication, software to support users and applications, tools for end-users and developers to interact, and finally appropriate and novel ways of interaction. The goal is to develop the next-generation everywhere display for distributed collaborative environments where large data sets are typically required to accomplish the envisioned end-user goals.
Profile and diploma
Enthusiastic applicants with excellent study results are invited to apply. Successful applicants have a keen interest in the aforementioned research and can work both independently as well as in team. Candidates should hold a master degree in computer science, a civil engineer degree in computer science or equivalent. Students, who will complete these studies during the summer, are also strongly invited to apply.
Job offer
We offer a challenging research position in EDM, one of the larger research institutes at UHasselt and a dynamic work environment to about 70 researchers. EDM is currentlyinvesting in a growing ubicomp research domain, including a state-of-the-art research infrastructure. Hasselt University offers a full PhD-scholarship for 2x2 years.
Further information
Research and job responsibilities: prof. dr. Kris Luyten, +32-11-268411, kris.luyten@uhasselt.be
Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80, jef.vanvoorden@uhasselt.be
Applicants must use the official application forms which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 10 or which can be downloaded here pdf-file (www.uhasselt.be/download/APengelsUH.pdf) / Word format (www.uhasselt.be/download/APengelsUH.doc)
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than July 16th 2010.
Your application form must be accompanied by:
1. an electronic copy of your master thesis. If the thesis was not written in English, you need to provide an English summary of maximum four pages.
2. an English essay of maximal two pages with your personal interpretation and reflections on the aforementioned research objectives.
Candidates are encouraged to contact prof. dr. Kris Luyten stating their interest on these positions. A description on the BOF research project `Simultaneous Interaction Spaces` is available on demand.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address: jobs@uhasselt.be.