Postgraduate Scholarship Program in Management at University of Indonesia

Postgraduate Scholarship Program in Management at University of Indonesia
Postgraduate Scholarship Program for BUMN Employee at FEUI - University of IndonesiaFor only 8 best BUMN Employees who passed the selection procedure.
Age max 35 years old
Had been working for at least 2 years
Undergraduated (S1) any major.
Program offered:
Marketing Management
Finance Management
Banking Management
Strategic Management
Required documents
1. Scholarship Registration Form completed.
2. One legalized copy of S1 certificate.
3. One legalized copy of S1 academic transcript.
4. Recomendation letter from your company.
5. Statement letter from your company (the letter form could be downloaded at
6. Complete CV
7. Essay 1 page (space 1,5 Times New Romans 12) about `MY Contribution To The company After Reached Master in UI Management Master Program`.
For participants who passed the preliminary selection will be announced in and contacted to participate in tests and interviews on Campus UI Depok.
The file is sent via mail with a sealed envelope to the address:
Divisi Humas
Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Manajemen FEUI
Gedung Pascasarjana lantai 2
Kampus FEUI Depok 16424
Deadline: June 7, 2010 (postmark)
For more information visit: