Master Scholarships in Defence Management at Cranfield University by British Embassy Jakarta

Master Scholarships in Defence Management at Cranfield University by British Embassy Jakarta
The Defence Section British Embassy Jakarta is currently recruiting students for sponsorship in Masters Degree in Defence Management affiliated with Cranfield University and Indonesia Defence University (Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia ) for period 2010-2012.Interviews for sponsored students will be conducted on Monday, 10 May 2010 and Tuesday, 11 May 2010 in Jakarta.
Qualifications & General Requirements:
1. Must already hold an S1 Degree (from any discipline)
2. Minimum GPA of 3.0
3. Age between 20-30
4. Excellent oral an written English language skills (Min TOEFL 550/IELTS 6.5)
5. Have some basic knowledge of the Indonesian Defence System
Please submit ONLY your application letter, CV in English, S1 certificate and evidence of TOEFL/IELTS score addressed to:
Ms. Putri Arthani via email putri.arthani@ or by post to:
Defence Section
British Embassy Jakarta
Jl. MH Thamrin 75, Jakarta 10310
The closing date for applications is Thursday, 29 April 2010. Only successful applicants will be notified for interview. There will be no correspondent unless notified by the British Embassy. Eligible candidates will need to commit to a full time course for duration of the period June 2010 – July 2012.