Early Stage Researcher (PhD) in the Department of Physics at University of Cambridge

Early Stage Researcher (PhD) in the Department of Physics at University of Cambridge

Transport and Signalling mechanism in Polarized Cells
University of Cambridge
Scholarship Description: As part of the recently launched Marie Curie Initial Training Network TRANSPOL, a 3-year Early Stage Researcher position is available at the University of Cambridge, UK, in the Department of Physics. The starting date is 01 October 2011. The network includes 7 academic and industrial groups from across the European Uni0n as well as several associate partners from the US and EU. The doctoral programme will provide a range of educational and research opportunities focused on Transport and Signalling mechanism in Polarized Cells, a topic at the interface of Cell/Molecular Biology and Membrane Physics.
This project will explore the impact of lipid composition on membrane mechanics and lateral organisation, and the consequences on membrane shape and trans-membrane trafficking. The effects due to membrane-bound proteins and generally arising in membranes that mimic realistic biological structures will also be investigated, partly in collaboration with other ITN partners.
Candidates with some experience in soft matter physics, optical trapping, instrument automation and/or biological physics are welcome. A basic knowledge of cell biology is also desirable. In addition to proven experimental skills the candidate should have a strong interest in the theoretical background of these experiments. Characterization tools such as image/video analysis will be used and developed. The research training will be towards a PhD and therefore applicants must also gain admission as a graduate student. According to EU regulations, candidates can be of any nationality. They should have less than 4 years of research experience and should not have resided in the United Kingdom for more than 12 months during the past 3-year period.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 7th May 2011
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