University of London School of Advanced Study Doctoral Studentships 2011, UK

University of London School of Advanced Study Doctoral Studentships 2011, UK

The School offers its own Studentships for research (doctoral) degree study (MPhil/PhD). In 2011-12 we expect to offer up to two research (doctoral) degree Studentships, for commencing October 2011.
Value and eligibility criteria
School Doctoral Studentships cover fees and maintenance allowance at the full UK Research Council rate for London-based students. Studentships can be awarded to Home/EU or Overseas students and can be for full-time or part-time study. Only those students beginning their first year of study in 2011/12 are eligible.
More information
Full details are available in the application guidance notes, which you should read carefully before applying, along with the of the terms and conditions School studentships.
Amount of award
The School Studentships are funded at the full UK Research Council rate for London-based students. In addition to fees, the rates for maintenance in 2010-11 are given below as a guide:
Research students: £15,590 full-time and £9,355 part-time
- It is not at present clear whether this will increase or remain the same for 2011-12.
Students assessed for fees at the Overseas rate will be required to pay the difference between the Overseas and Home/EU fee.
Application process
Only if you have been offered a place by the Institute in which you wish to study, and you have accepted it, are you eligible to submit an application for funding.
Eligible students can apply both for AHRC and School doctoral studentships using the combined application form. Students applying to all funding strands need only complete one form.
Application forms must be completed and submitted electronically to the School Registry and simultaneously to
Please see Studentship guidance notes.
Applicants to both AHRC BGP studentships and the SAS Doctoral Studentship must have accepted the offer of a place from the Institute in which they wish to study and returned the Studentship application form by 5.00 pm on Wednesday 27 April 2011. If you miss this deadline you will not be eligible for AHRC or School Studentship funding.
Please note that institutes will have an earlier deadline for the receipt of course application forms. Please visit the Institute websites for details.
Institutes will forward applications recommended for an award to a committee chaired by the Dean of the School. The primary criterion will be academic excellence. The decision of the School will be final.
Awards will be announced in late May or June 2011. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by the School Registry. Applicants who are on the reserve list will be advised of this and will be informed as soon as possible if funds become available and an award is to be offered. It may be that such notification cannot be made until close to the start of the academic term.
Contact us
If you have any queries on any aspect of the application process, please contact the School Registry:
School of Advanced Study Registry
University of London
Senate House, South Block
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HU
Phone: +44 (0)20 7862 8663 / 8662 / 8661
Fax: +44 (0)20 7862 8725
- Click here for detailed guidance on the application process and eligibility
- Click here to download an application form
If you have queries about the Studentship application process, please contact
Rosemary Lambeth
Research Services, School of Advanced Study
University of London
Room 234B, Senate House, South Block
Malet StreetLondon WC1E 7HU
Phone: +44 (0)20 7862 8695
Fax: +44 (0)20 7862 8725
Visit Official Website.