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3 Gerda Henkel Scholarships in the History of Ideas


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3 Gerda Henkel Scholarships in the History of Ideas

Applications are invited from doctoral and post-doctoral researchers who are planning a history of ideas project based on the source material held at one or more of the three research institutions. The maximum bursary period is five months, and the grant amounts to 900 Euro per month for doctoral and 1500 Euro per month for post-doctoral candidates.

Proposals should develop a clear focused research question relevant to current trends in intellectual history. Interdisciplinary projects linking political intellectual history with the history of images and media would be particularly welcome. Purely literary projects cannot be considered. Candidates can apply to work consecutively at two institutions within the programme.

Study Subject:History of Ideas
Employer: Gerda Henkel Foundation
Level:Doctoral and Postdoctoral

Application Deadline: 30 April 2011

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