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Master, PhD & Postdoctoral Positions in Structural Engineering, Kunsan National University, Korea


Jika anda yang sedang mencari informasi Master, PhD & Postdoctoral Positions in Structural Engineering, Kunsan National University, Korea, maka Beasiswa D3 S1 S2 akan menyampaikan tentang Master, PhD & Postdoctoral Positions in Structural Engineering, Kunsan National University, Korea seperti dibawah ini:

Master, PhD & Postdoctoral Positions in Structural Engineering, Kunsan National University, Korea

The Structural System Laboratory (SSL) in the Department of Civil Engineering (specially Structural Engineering), Kunsan National University, has established itself as a leading laboratory in South Korea with continuous developments in the relevant engineering researches in the field of Civil Engineering. We have been undergoing for several research

projects by the South Korean Government. Through stable financial supports for the SSL members, our aim is to make the selected research teams as world-leading research groups.

For Post-Doctoral Applicants:

Based on several public and private grant, we are inviting promising foreign researchers to join
our team as a post-doctoral researcher. Monthly starting salary will be US $2000 or (negotiable), and which can be positively adjusted depending on forthcoming research contributions.

Also for Post-Doctoral position initial settlement support about US$ 1000 will be paid. The initial appointment will be for one year (starting as soon as possible) and can be renewed based on research achievements. Applicants should have a doctoral degree in structural engineering, and excellent skills in English communication (written and verbal) are highly preferred.

For Master & PhD Applicants:

Based on several grants, including Brain Korea 21st Century (BK21) grant, our team is inviting sincere international applicants for master and doctoral degrees. Monthly stipends and settlement supports, incentives depending on performances as well as tuition fees will be supported based on the laboratory financial supporting system. Applicants should have enthusiasm in research, and excellent skills in English communication (written and verbal) are highly preferred. We prefer applicants who are able to publish international journal papers ranked as SCI or SCIE during his/her appointment in the laboratory with their own creative research topics. Interested applicants must submit their curriculum vitae with a brief research plan to Prof. Dookie Kim (kim2kie@chol.com).

Dookie Kim, Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Kunsan National University
Kunsan, Jeonbuk 573-701, Korea (South)
Phone: +82-63-469-4770
Fax: +82-63-469-4791
Email: kim2kie@chol.com

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